The project purpose is creations of the central National portal for adaptation of modules E-Learning for preparation and retraining of target groups of tourist area
Duration of project WeNeT from 29.03.2010 till 1.01.2010.
Higher educational institutions and the branch ministries of Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus take part in the project.
In total in a consortium of project WeNeT an input of 29 organisations.. >>
The analysis of problems and requirements of the countries-partners
According to forecasts of the World international organisation on tourism, in tourism development in Europe the next decades positive tendencies will be marked. The East Europe neighbours of EU, such as Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine will receive an every prospect, to appear in the centre of these tendencies and to become интереснымитуристическимирегионами наевропейском continent
Project representation

Project WeNeT gives rise to formation of an interstate and inter-regional network of remote courses of improvement of qualification of experts in tourist branch which will continue to work and after the termination of the project and will provide long-term cooperation of its participants. >> |

For the first time, on the basis of the agreement Between the National transport University and the travel company "Calypso tours", master’s students specialty "Tourism" have had opportunity for six months to pass an international internship in Turkey. >>

Seminar in Padeborn 2012 >>

On November, 15th, 2012 at National transport university the meeting with representatives of mass media of Ukraine within the limits of an uchebno-methodical seminar for participants of the program "Media neighbourhood" under project ТЕМПУС has taken place.
At a meeting присудствовали correspondents of mass media of Ukraine. Journalists with interest have familiarised with university experience in the international projects, and also with functioning of system of remote training NTU.>>

During the period from October, 3 till October, 6, 2011 the coordination seminar of international educational project "The network of e-learning training in tourism (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)">>
About seminar Tempus in Yalta

During the period from May, 24 till May, 31, 2011 within the limits of the project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" WeNeT the coordination seminar in Tbilisi (Georgia) has taken place.>>

During the period from April, 1 till April, 10th, 2011 within the limits of the project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" WeNeT has taken place training of participants of the project from the Ukrainian universities at the European universities partners. Training passed in the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC) in Italy, University Mateja (Germany) Is white (UMB) in Banska Bystrica Slovak and vocational training Academy in Ravensburge.

Tourist Georgia: problems and prospects
10.25.2010 in the 10.30.2010 in Minsk, in a hotel conference hall Belarus, there passed a seminar of partner the educational project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" WeneT>>
On October, 15th, 2010 at National transport university monitoring international project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" Wenet has taken place. >>
Within the limits of the international project TEMPUS Wenet the coordination seminar at the Viennese university of economy and business administrations (Austria) from May, 24 till May, 30th, 2010 has taken place. Co-ordinators and representatives of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus who are members of the Consortium of the project have taken part In a seminar.>>
The seminar was spent with the assistance of delegations of Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Грузиив at National transport university in Kiev, from 29.03.2010. >> |
The European union


- National Transport University (Kyiv), Ukraine
- Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law, Ukraine
- Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk), Ukraine
- Odessa National Maritime Academy, Ukraine
- Sevastopol Economic-Humanitarian Institute of Tavrida National V.I.Vernadsky University (Sevastopol), Ukraine
- Yalta University of Management, Ukraine
- Preasovsky State Technical University (Mariupol), Ukraine
- Donetsk Institute of Tourist Business, Ukraine
- Department of International Cooperation and European Integration, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kyiv), Ukraine
- Department of Resorts and Tourism, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine (Kyiv), Ukraine


- Reforming and restructuring support in Belarusian, Georgian and Ukrainian partner-universities as well as support of their integration into European Educational Space.
- Extension and intensification of educational cooperation in tourism within the European Community countries and Eastern European neighbours.
Using the know-how and the experience of partner-universities for increasing its contribution in life-long learning in tourism
Forming the network of distance learning courses of in-training for the specialists of tourism industry in partner-countries (Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine);
Methodical and didactic training in distance learning organization for project participants;
Actual topics in tourism for in-training of project participants in Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine;
Development and implementation of distance learning courses of in-training for tourism target groups in Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine including the necessary technical infrastructure;
Dissemination of the received results within the project in partner-countries and outside them, extension of the network of distance learning courses of in-training for the specialists of tourism industry by involving the other Higher Education Establishments and interested parties of tourism industry. |
Evropean parlament
Council of Europe
President of Ucraine
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Government portal
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kyiv), Ukraine
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine (Kyiv), Ukraine
President of Belarus
Council of ministers of the republic of Belarus
Soviet of Republic Belarus
Ministry of Education of Belarus
Министерство спорта и туризма Белоруссии
President of Georgia
Parlament of Georgia
Ministry of Education Georgia