During the period from May, 24 till May, 31st, 2011 within the limits of the project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" Wenet the coordination seminar in Tbilisi (Georgia) has taken place.
Representatives of all European universities and universities of Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia who enter into a project consortium have taken part in a seminar. From ÍÒÓ the delegation was headed by the rector Dmitrichenko M. F.

During a coordination meeting reports concerning a condition of design work in the countries - partners have been given. The report from Ukraine in which results of work for last year nine Ukrainian universities from different regions of the country are presented, has reported the first pro-rector, the pro-rector on M. Dmitry's scientific work of M.
National transport university responsible for creation and work of the Ukrainian national portal. The director ²ÇÄÍ Andrusenko Ñ _. Has presented the Ukrainian national portal for remote formation which works in the staticized mode. On a portal the information concerning actions and events is constantly updated, there are references to portals of Belarus and Georgia which are given by possibility to create a uniform remote network for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere. For the purpose of activization of distribution of results of the project and for informing of potential listeners on a portal summaries of courses are placed.
Within the limits of a coordination seminar exit sessions in Batumi on the basis of the Batumi state sea academy and in Kutaisi on the basis of the Kutaisi university of the right and economy have been held. Participants of a seminar have acquainted with problems of scientific researches of tourism and tourist formation in Georgia, marketing of various directions of tourism, on a condition of development of tourist branch.
Within the limits of a coordination meeting contracts on cooperation between National transport university and following universities of Georgia have been signed: the Batumi state sea academy (Batumi); the Georgian aviation university (Tbilisi); Tbilisi state university of a name of Ivan Dzhavahishv (Tbilisi) and the Kutaisi university of the right and economy (Kutaisi).

The assistant to the dean of faculty of economy, management and the right of Bakul_ch of the Island of the Island