Participants of working groups within the limits of the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT in Kiev
27.03.2010 - 1.04.2010
On April, 29th, 2010 at National transport university started the first coordination seminar international просвещенского the project «the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)» 158739-TEMPUS-DE-TEMPUS JPHES Wenet.

Conformity of educational process in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia to the European standards is one of the project main tasks of improvement of quality and efficiency of remote formation on the purpose of improvement of professional skill of experts of tourist area, and also. After all for today tourism became one of the most powerful levers of development of culture and mutual understanding improvement between the people.
Therefore the Ukrainian party has got to take part in this project nine high schools from different regions which prepare experts for tourism sphere (in particular, National transport university, the Kiev university of tourism, economy and the right, the Sevastopol economic-humanitarian institute, Tavrijsky national university of В _. Vernadsky, Ялтинський the management institute, the Odessa national sea academy, Priazovsky state technical university, Prikarpatsky national university of Vasily Stefanika, Donetsk institute of tourist business), also cover whenever possible wider "geography" of our state.
The tourist subjects of a direction concern and транспортников, after all transport - the main motive power of tourism. But НТУ takes part in this project not only as the interested party, and first of all - as the co-ordinator of activity of the Ukrainian high schools within project TEMPUS in Ukraine. The rector of National transport university Dmitrichenko Nikolay Fedorovich enters in Раду management of project Wenet and is the co-ordinator of the project from Ukraine.
Within the limits of the project in the Ukrainian high schools the created target groups, depending on specificity of tourism in the given region: on Ivano-Frankovshchine more, for example, practises "green" tourism, in seaside areas (Odessa, Sevastopol) - круизный, in Crimea - resort, and for capital one of dominating directions is "business" tourism. Each of these versions of tourism has the specificity, the differences, and requires the methodology of teaching.

From Georgia the right and economy university, the Higher educational institution COLLEGE TSNORI and the Batumi sea academy take part in the project the Tbilisi state university of economic relations, Kutaisi.
Belarus in the project is represented by the Belarus state economic university, the Belarus state university of physical training, Institute of tourism and the Grodno state university of J.Kupali.
Except higher educational institutions in the project involved the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Department of resorts and tourism of the Ministry of culture and tourism, Vseukrainsky association of educational institutions of a tourist and hotel profile, the Ministry of sports and tourism РБ (Belarus), the Republican Union of the tourist organisations (Belarus), the Ministry of economic development of Georgia and the Government of autonomous republic Adzharija as a part of Georgia.
University Paderbornu, (Germany), Economic university, Vienna, (Austria), University of Матея White, Банська Быстрица, (Slovenia), the European Academy, Бозен, (Italy) and Academy of vocational training, Равенсбург, (Germany) is the West European partners in the project.
In general the consortium of project Wenet includes 29 higher educational institutions, the Ministries, Associations and travel agencies from 7 countries.

«The European Commission yet did not know such huge project, - the main manager of the project Vyacheslav Nikitin speaks, is assigns to all participants certain duties. We should work harmoniously, accurately carrying out of all problems and maintaining terms. Only such fruitful teamwork will allow to carry out all problems and to reach objects in view in due time».
Major principle of realisation of the project - remote training, creation of the Internet resource with the main portal on the basis of НТУ. Each high school develops the courses, that is creates a selection of uchebno-methodical materials, taking into account specificity of activity of the target groups, and through portal НТУ does their accessible to other participants of the project. These courses are an original superstructure concerning base educational high school programs, and devoted to the obtained most on demand directions of activity in tourism sphere at present.
Through portal НТУ it will be possible to get access to an information resource of participants of the project from other countries - high schools of Austria, Germany. Italy, Slovakia, Belarus, Georgia.
The project will last three years with 15.
Thus the purpose and project problems is:
Support of process of reforming and re-structuring in the Belarus, Georgian and Ukrainian high schools-partners, and also support of their integration into the all-European educational space
Expansion and intensification of educational cooperation in tourist sphere of the EU countries and the East Europe neighbours
Know-how and experience use as high schools-partners, and educational institutions for increase in the payment at adjustment of system of training in tourism sphere.
Thanks to development of a tourist remote network of formation between Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia the professional exchange between universities-partners which as a result will lead to vocational training improvement of quality in sphere of tourist formation will be intensively spent and will promote cooperation between the countries in tourism development. Creation of national electronic training, (remote training) in Ukraine will allow to prepare much more more a wide range of experts and heads in the Ukrainian tourist industry from different regions.
With project realisation 158739-TEMPUS-DE-TEMPUS JPHES Wenet it is possible to expect a valuable and powerful impulse for increase of tourist formation at the Ukrainian universities (it agree the purposes "the Government program of development of tourism in Ukraine 2002-2010").
of working groups participants within the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT in Kiev
27.03.2010 – 1.04.2010
Saturday |
Arrival of delegations from European countries |
The Kreschatic hotel |
Arrival of delegations from Georgia and Belarus |
The hotel of KUTEL |
Arrival of delegations from Ukraine regions |
The hotel of NTU |
Sunday |
1100 |
Free time
Bus excursion in Kiev
Free time |
19 00 |
Gathering of delegates from Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine (regions) in the Kreschatic hotel hall to discuss financial matters |
Monday |
930 |
The meeting of Heads of delegations with the Rector of NTU Dmitrichenko N.F. |
Rector’s Office |
Topic: Presentation of the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT
The presence of press and media representatives |
1000 |
Opening of the Workshop. Introductory speech of the Rector of NTU |
Room 333
Prof. Dmitrichenko N.F. |
1015 |
Presentation of each project participant (country, higher education establishment, competences in the project):
Delegation from Germany |
Heads of delegations:
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Steinecke
1025 |
Delegation from Austria |
Prof. Dr. Richard Fortmüller |
1035 |
Delegation from Italy |
Prof. Dr. Milota Vetrakova |
1045 |
Delegation from Slovakia |
Marcus Herntrei |
1055 |
Belarus |
Prof. Nikolai Kabuschkin |
1105 |
Georgia |
Prof. Kvaratskhelia Niko |
1115 |
Setting joint tasks for all participants of the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT (Germany, Italy, Austria, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia) |
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Steinecke
Dr. Viachaslau Nikitsin |
1140 |
Coffee break |
1200 |
Press conference |
1300 |
Lunch |
Dining hall of NTU |
Catering team |
1400 |
Planning of events for 2010. Calendar plan of work in the project. Planning of E-Learning/Turizm training |
Dr. Viachaslau Nikitsin
Dr. Guido Kaufmann |
1600 |
Coffee break |
1620 |
Planning of events for 2010. Calendar plan of work in the project. Planning of E-Learning/Turizm training |
Dr. Viachaslau Nikitsin
Dr. Guido Kaufmann |
1800 |
Friendly buffet supper in NTU café |
Tuesday |
Topic: Meeting of working groups «E-Learning» |
930 |
Work experience and the results of implementation of E-Learning courses in VETLOG project of National Transport University |
Kiev, Suvorov st., 1, main academic building of NTU, room 333 |
Prof. Lyudmila Kozak |
1000 |
Work experience and the results of implementation of E-Learning courses in VETLOG project of Preazov State Technical University |
Aleksey Taranenko |
1030 |
Work experience and the results of implementation of E-Learning courses in VETLOG project of Odessa National Maritime Academy |
Associate Professor Irina Golubkova |
1100 |
Coffee break |
1120 |
Setting tasks for E-Learning working groups of all participants of the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT (Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia). Project guidelines for creating E-Learning Internet platforms in every higher education establishment. Creating national E-Learning platform in tourism. |
Dr. Viachaslau Nikitsin
Dr. Guido Kaufmann Prof. Richard Fortmüller
1300 |
Lunch |
Dining hall of NTU |
1500 |
The demonstration of distant learning platform “Prometheus” of National Transport University |
The International Education Centre for Information Technologies, room 244-b
Prof. Andrusenko S.I. Malinovskiy L.V.
1540 |
The development of open quasi-intellectual training system using MODDLE at National Transport University |
Prof. Danchuk V.D.
Lemeshko Y. |
Free time |
Wednesday |
Topic: Meeting of working groups «Turizm» |
945 |
Tourism development tendencies in Ukraine in the context of the 18th UNWTO decision |
Kiev, General Zhmachenko st., 26
KUTEL, room
Prof. Fedorchenko V.K. |
1030 |
Tourism industry needs within Belarus in the context of re-training of specialists in tourism industry |
Prof. Nikolai Kabuschkin |
1115 |
Tourism industry needs within Georgia |
Prof. Kvaratskhelia Niko |
1200 |
Coffee break |
1220 |
Short presentations of European partners on work directions in the sphere of tourism: Universität Paderborn |
Dr. Viachaslau Nikitsin |
1240 |
Matej Bel Universität BB |
Prof. Dr. Milota Vetrakova |
1300 |
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Prof. Richard Fortmüller |
1320 |
EURAC Bozen |
Marcus Herntrei |
1340 |
DHBW Ravensburg |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuchs |
1400 |
Friendly lunch |
1530 |
Setting tasks for Turizm working groups of all participants of the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT (Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia) |
Dr. Viachaslau Nikitsin
Dr. Guido Kaufmann |
1700 |
Setting home tasks |
1800 |
Farewell supper in KUTEL restaurant |
Thursday |
Delegations departure |