Summing up work in the international Wenet project
During the period from November 24 to December 01, 2012 at University to Paderborn (Germany) the final coordination seminar of the international educational project "A network of electronic remote study for professional development in the tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" WeNeT took place. Coordinators and representatives of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus which is members of Consortium of the project participated in a seminar.

Summing up work in the project and the report of project coordinators from Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia was the main subject of a meeting.
Within a coordination seminar problems and the ways of their decision connected with development of tourism and vocational training of shots in the sphere of tourism were discussed.
Professors spoke on behalf of the West European partners as experts from an assessment of quality and pithiness of courses from University to Paderborn, (Germany) of Economic university, Vienna, (Austria), to University of Mateja Bill, Banska Bistritsya, (Slovenia) Європейсько ї Academies, of Bozen, (Italy) and Academies of professional education, Ravensburg (Germany).
It was noted that thanks to development of a tourist remote network of education between Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia it is planned to carry out intensively a professional exchange between partner universities that as a result will lead to improvement of quality of vocational training in the sphere of tourist education and will promote cooperation between the countries in the direction of tourism development. Creation of national electronic study, (remote study) in Ukraine will allow to prepare much more wide range of experts and heads in the Ukrainian tourist industry from different regions.
E-Learning-Weiterbildungsnetzwerk im Tourismus (Belarus, Georgien und Ukraine)Украина 01010 г. Киев., ул. Суворова 1. тел. (044) - 280-99-51