Summing-up the Work in International Project Wenet

During the period from October, 3 till October, 6, 2011 the coordination seminar of international educational project "The network of e-learning training in tourism (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" Wenet took place in National transport university. Coordinators and representatives of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus who are the members of the Consortium of the project participated in the seminar.
The improvement of quality and efficiency of e-learning training for specialists in tourism as well as the conformity of educational process in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia to the European standards were the main topics of the meeting.

With a welcoming speech the coordinator of the project from Ukraine, rector Dmytrychenko Mykola Fedorovych, hospitably met participants of the coordination seminar in a new hall for Academic councils and conferences of NTU.

Problems and ways of their solution connected with holding Euro 2012 in Ukraine as well as tendencies for the development of tourism and professional training of specialists in tourism sphere were discussed at the coordination meeting.

During the seminar six workshops worked in computer classes of NTU where the developers presented the prepared e-learning courses for training in tourism on-line.

Among the West European partners professors from the University in Paderborn (Germany), Economic university in Vienna (Austria), Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica (Slovenia), the European Academy in Bozen (Italy) and the Academy of vocational training in Ravensburg (Germany) acted as experts in assessing courses quality and content.

In her report the director of Tempus-Office in Ukraine Svitlana Shytikova paid attention to Tempus projects quality assessment and further implementation of their results. It was noted that due to the development of the network of e-learning training in tourism between Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia a professional exchange between partner universities is planned. It will lead to the improvement of professional training quality in tourism sphere and it will promote cooperation between the countries to develop tourism. National electronic training, (e-learning) in Ukraine will make it possible to train much wider range of employees and officials in Ukrainian tourist industry from different regions.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law O.O.Bakulich