Participants of working groups within the limits of the project 158739-TEMPUS-JPHES WeNeT
in Vienna
5/24/2010 – 5/28/2010
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Within the limits of the international project TEMPUS Wenet the coordination seminar at the Viennese university of economy and business administrations (Austria) from May, 24 till May, 30th, 2010 has taken place. Co-ordinators and representatives of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus who are members of the Consortium of the project have taken part In a seminar.
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The delegation from National transport university was headed by rector Dmitrichenko Nikolay Fedorovich who is included into Council of management of project Wenet Also is the co-ordinator of the project from Ukraine. |
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During seminar carrying out reports of higher educational institutions of Ukraine with results of realisation of the project have been given. The director of Institute of correspondence and remote training of National transport university Andrusenko S _. Has presented presentation of the Ukrainian national portal of project Wenet, has shown its technical infrastructure and possibilities of placing of remote courses of improvement of qualification in tourism sphere. |
Within the limits of a seminar questions of an estimation of quality of the project were considered, estimated criteria and the methods, the generated structure of modules of improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere have been defined. The structure of remote courses will include four modules: tourism management, tourism kinds on regions, круизный tourism and 18 remote courses which will be developed by the Ukrainian universities.
Within the limits of a meeting the agreement on purchase of the equipment for modernisation of remote platform NTU has been signed.
The assistant to the dean of faculty of economy, management and right NTU of Bakulich E.A.
Протокол семинара в Вене.