Project monitoring "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)"
On October, 15th, 2010 at National transport university monitoring international project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)" Wenet has taken place.
Monitoring is an obligatory stage of a cycle of management of which project of appointment consists in tracing of results and progress in project performance. It includes the analysis and use of the information which is carried out for the purpose of measurement of achievements and progress in realisation of the project or definition of risks and problems in the course of its introduction, helps to find out vulnerable links and weak places in project realisation to define on what it is necessary to concentrate efforts.
In monitoring have taken part the co-ordinator of the project from the West European partners of University Paderborn, (Germany) - professor Albrecht Shtajneke, the co-ordinator of the project from Ukraine - the rector of National transport university professor Dmitrichenko Nikolay Fedorovich, the representative of Department of the international cooperation and the European integration of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Kotova Olga Geraldevna and co-ordinators of the Ukrainian universities who are members of a consortium (National transport university, the Kiev university of tourism, economy and the right, the Sevastopol economic-humanitarian institute, Tavrijsky national university. Vernadsky, Jaltinsky management institute, the Odessa national sea academy, Priazovsky state technical university, Prikarpatsky national university of Vasily Stefanika, Donetsk institute of tourist business).
Carried out monitoring the director national Tempus - Office in Ukraine, the chairman of the council of Institute of leadership, innovations and development Svetlana Shitikova and the co-ordinator national Tempus - Office in Ukraine Elena Orzhel.
The project "the Network of electronic remote training for improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia) - Wenet" has begun 15.01.2010, that is at the moment of monitoring the project lasted 9 months, but for this period higher educational institutions of Ukraine and National transport university as VNZ - the co-ordinator, already it is much enough made.
Namely: bilateral agreements on project financing by all Ukrainian universities which are members of a consortium are made and signed; on the basis of Institute of correspondence and remote training IOO, in which accurately certain technical infrastructure the Ukrainian national portal of project Wenet is developed for placing of remote courses of improvement of qualification in tourism sphere. The portal all time is supplemented with the information on events and seminars which occur in the project.
The prepared specification also it is bought the equipment which it is necessary for portal functioning. The generated structure of modules of improvement of professional skill in tourism sphere.
All higher educational institutions of Ukraine have prepared presentations of structure and the concept of courses in sphere of tourism for remote training which have been presented to monitoring time. Questions of an estimation of quality of the project are considered, estimated criteria and methods are defined. Gathering of documents for project registration in the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine is spent.
During monitoring professor Vyacheslav Nikitin and doctor Guido Kaufman from University Paderborna have received diplomas of the valid members - of academicians of Transport academy of Ukraine from the rector of National transport university Dmitrichenko N.F. and have been accepted in numbers of foreign members OAO.
The assistant to the dean of faculty of economy, management and Bakulich E.A.
E-Learning-Weiterbildungsnetzwerk im Tourismus (Belarus, Georgien und Ukraine)Украина 01010 г. Киев., ул. Суворова 1. тел. (044) - 280-99-51