Aim of the module (course unit): competences foreseeen by the study programme |
- Theoretical aspects of tourism through examining its forms, types and kinds;
- Familiarization with professional tourism terminology;
- Studying functions of tourism and factors of its development;
- Discovering nature of basic, secondary and maintaining technological processes in tourism;
- Familiarizing with systems of hotel classification in various countries, with check-in and allocation procedures in hotels;
- Discovering categories of food service in tourism.
Learning outcomes of module (course unit) |
Teaching/learning methods |
Assessment methods |
- Knowledge:
- Nature of tourism as a social and economic phenomenon:
- Definitions of basic tourism terms;
- Specific features of tourism as a process and result;
- Specific features of tourism as a sphere of population’s employment;
- Specific features of tourism as a branch of economy.
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Natural, geographic, cultural, historical, economic and social functions of tourism;
- Importance of demographic, political, legal, technological and ecological functions of tourism;
- Define effect of various factors (economical, political, social, etc.) upon development of tourism
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Basic classification systems in tourism;
- Forms, kinds and types of tourism;
- Characteristics of basic types of tourism depending on the purpose of travelling
- Use of tourism typology while designing tours.
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Structure of technology and its components;
- Characteristics of basic, maintaining and auxiliary technological processes;
- Structure the operation of travel company in accordance with technological components
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
5. Knowledge:
- Structure of basic technology of tourist service production;
- Special features of designing tourist services;
- Design documentation that accompanies tourist services production;
- Specific features of arranging program of stay and service;
- Basic principles of developing tourist itineraries.
- Compile package of design documentation of a new tourist product
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Techniques of forming a sales network;
- Market channels of promoting tourist product
- Non-advertising methods of promoting tourist product
- Form personal sales network taking into account technological components
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Structure of basic technology of consuming tourist services;
- Hospitality techniques;
- Tourist procedures;
- Techniques of after-sales service
- Compiling design documentation;
- system of tourist services quality control.
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Forms, types and kinds of accommodation facilities;
- Classification of accommodation according to the level of comfort;
- Foreign experience of accommodation classification;
- Technology of hotel services production
- Determine the cost of accommodation considering check-out time;
- Determine a list of additional services depending on the level of comfort.
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
- Knowledge:
- Categories of food service in tourism;
- Types of menu for tourists;
- Room service
- Determine a list of services depending on categories of tourist catering.
Individual work |
Quantitative methods of evaluation (in points) |
Themes |
Contact work hours |
Time and tasks for individual work |
Lectures |
Consultations |
Seminars |
Practiacl work |
Laboratory work |
Placements |
Total contact work |
Individual work |
Tasks |
1. General notions of tourism. Terms and definitions |
2 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
Tests |
2. Functions of tourism and factors of its development |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Tests |
3. Classification of tourism |
2 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
Tests |
4.Notion of technology and technological processes |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Tests |
5. Basic technological process of tourist service production; |
4 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
Tests |
6. Basic technological process of selling tourist services |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Tests |
7. Basic technological process of consuming tourist services; |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Tests |
8.Technology of accommodation services |
2 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
Tests |
9. Tourist categories of food service |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Tests |
The total control |
2 |
Total tests |
Total |
20 |
9 |
7 |
18 |
18 |
Author |
Year of issue |
Title |
No of periodical or volume |
Place of printing. Printing house or intrenet link |
Compulsory literature |
Закон України |
2003 |
Про туризм |
| |
Бабарицька В.К., Малиновська О.Ю. |
2004 |
Менеджмент туризму. Туроперейтинг |
288 с. |
К.: Альтерпрес |
Любіцева О.О. |
2005 |
Ринок туристичних послуг: геопросторові аспекти |
436с. |
К: Альтерпрес |
Під. заг . ред. проф. В.К. Федорченка |
Правове регулювання туристичної діяльності в Україні: Збірник нормативно-правових актів |
640 с. |
К.: Юрінком Інтер |
Федорченко В.К., Мiнiч I. M . |
2000 |
Туристський словник-довідник |
160 с. |
К.: Дніпро |
За ред. проф. В.К. Федорченка; автори: Л.Г. Лук’янова, Т.Т.Дорошенко, І.М. Мініч. |
2001 |
Уніфіковані технології готельних послуг |
237 с. |
К.: Вища школа |
Additional literature |
Зорин И.В., Квартальнов В.А. |
1999 |
Туристский терминологический словарь: справочно-методическое пособие |
664 с. |
М.: Советский спорт |
Котлер Ф., Боуэн Дж., Мейкенз Дж. |
1998 |
Маркетинг. Гостеприимство и туризм: учебник для вузов |
787 с |
Ильина Е. Н. |
2000 |
Туроперейтинг: организация деятельности |
256 с. |
М.: Финансы и статистика |
Кусков А.С., Голубева В.JI. |
2009 |
Туроперейтинг: учебник |
400 с. |
- М.: ФОРУМ |
Чудновский, М.А. |
2006 |
Информационные технологии управления в туризме |
104 с. |
Ушаков Д.С. |
2005 |
Технолгии выeздного туризма |
384 с. |
Москва: ИКЦ «МарТ»; Ростов-н/Д: Издательский центр «МарТ» |